Wednesday, March 23, 2011

kalisungan adventure

Mt. Kalisungan Calauan Laguna, 760 meters above sea level.
Our group (TMC) talkies mountaineering group (daniel, chor, jim and benjie) found our self on the foot of Mt Kalisungan at Barangay Lamot Caluan Laguna that night. Around seven in the evening we leave the Festival Mall at Alabang Muntinlupa, Nine in the evening we are Calamba Crossing to buy something to eat and also eat before our unplanned climb. At Crossing Jeepney terminal we found one of the best and cheapest Siomai available at the market (hehehe thanks to boss Benjie naispotan kagad yung mga nakain na chicks sa siomayan )
And around ten thirty in the evening we are getting ready for a climb and at the same time registration at barangay hall. At barangay hall we met mountaineers having their social at the front of barangay hall. (barangay personel told us that those climbers got lost on the trail that night so they decided to make climb on the following morning.
Trail is not same with the usual climbed mountain using erais farm for the jump off point (maybe because it is not a favorite climb destination for a campers and mountaineers) its almost a direct summit assault from start of trail up to the peak. We make it to the summit aroung two in the morning, and as expected we are the only group climb that night.
After a little social and drinks lights out at three thirty in the morning.

Wake up call at six in the morning prepare for a breakfast and break camp after taking some picture inside the fog ( hehehe walang malinaw na litrato (^_^) hehehe) but on our site we can see the seven lakes of San Pablo, Mt Banahaw, Mt. Cristobal,  Talim Island and Mt. Makiling you can see it all because of its 360 view at the mountain peak.  We start descent at eight in the morning and reach the jump off at ten in the morning,
We take our lunch at Victoria Junction (cant remember the name of the cafeteria but they serve of course their specialty ITIK)
Not a spectacular climb but we have the bonding of the group that making the group still exist hehehe.
Ending up our unplanned climb at Alabang Terminal and taking our way home to take a rest for another work for the next day (^_^)... see you next climb....

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