Thursday, March 24, 2011

human static electricity

Static electricity refers to the build up of electric charge on the surface of objects. The static charges remain on an object until they either bleed off to ground or are quickly neutralized by a discharge

How does a human body generate static electricity? There are many factors increasing static electricity generation, including:

  1. Wearing certain clothing (including shirts, jackets, pants and shoes). Wool, rubber, fleece, vinyl and synthetic materials increase the effect.
  2. Having a house without grounded outlets, or having a house with bad wiring
  3. Walking a certain way. Shuffling and dragging one’s feet will increase electrostatic buildup.
  4. The humidity of where one lives. The lower the humidity, the better the conditions are for static generation.
  5. As well as general humidity, having unusually dry skin may increase the ability to store static electricity
We are experiencing this now (me and my buddy) having a high charge of static electricity. Maybe this is because of lower humidity on our office.  There was a instance when I touch someone he get shock by the discharge of static electricity coming from me, we hear the discharge of the electricity like we usually hear when we short the negative and positive terminal of a standard 12 volts automotive battery. Also on the stainless steel handle of the doors. I hear the electric discharge from me to the steel handle.. Unusual and extra ordinary experience  having that very high level of static electricity but fun and cool experience.. (^_^)

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